MESNZ Maintenance Engineering Conference 2024

Growing Great Engineers

MESNZ Excellence Awards

A core MESNZ mission is to “grow great engineers” and thus we strive to promote industry best practice in all that we do. To this end, in 2022 we introduced four new MESNZ Excellence Awards, to be presented annually at the MESNZ Conference Dinner. Following the success of the inaugural 2022 Awards, all sponsors have renewed their support for 2024. The 2024 MESNZ Excellence Awards will be as follows:

  1. PILZ Best Safety Improvement Project,
  2. Energy System Management Best Reliability Improvement Project,
  3. Eurotec Best Energy and Carbon Reduction Project, and
  4. METEX Best Apprentice Training Organisation.

Applications will close 5pm, Friday 30th August 2024, with all entries to be submitted electronically via e-mail


Project Awards (#1-3 above):

  1. Must be a completed Project
  2. Preference will be given to MESNZ members (individual or corporate members)
  3. Can be a customer, vendor, or joint submission
  4. Applications should be limited to 2 pages and include an overview of the problem/opportunity, design, planning, execution, and where relevant verification of the project outcomes. Original or novel applications of new or existing technology solutions will be reviewed favourably.
  5. Applications should include details of the project team and a contact person for a follow up phone interview by the judging panel as part of the final selection process.
  6. The Judges reserve the right to make multiple awards and/or highly commended certificates of recognition. Don’t be shy and be prepared to have your good work acknowledged by your peers!

Apprentice Training Organisation Award (#4 above):

  1. To be nominated by the Apprentice(s).
  2. Tell us what makes your employer so good, and why they are the best organisation to do an apprenticeship with.
  3. Applications only need to 1-2 pages and be prepared to have a phone interview to tease out the Who, Why, How, What, Where and When. We need to support the next generation of engineers so please help us to recognise and celebrate those people helping to make this happen! 
  4. The Judges reserve the right to make multiple awards and/or highly commended certificates of recognition. Don’t be shy and be prepared to have your good work acknowledged by your peers!

Any questions can be forwarded to   

Also being presented at the Conference Dinner:

The Bill Buckley MESNZ Scholarship

Stuart Tolhurst memorial Award